May 10, 2020

Re: Education expense

Question: I want to take some classes. Does it need to be related to my business to get a tax write off? (I am self-employed and report my business on Sch. C)

If your education expenses are to maintain or improve skills or required by law for your current business, you can deduct them on Sch C. Related travel expenses can be deducted as well. Even the classes are not related to your business, you should look into the possibility of other education deductions and credits.

The articles in this blog are for general information only. In accordance with IRS Circular 230 they are not considered tax opinions for purposes of relying on such statements in any challenge of the reporting of the above transaction by the IRS. If a full tax opinion is required certain procedures must be met . Also there is a significant cost for a full tax opinion to meet the requirements of Circular 230.